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I am Looking For A SALES Job

Muharraq, Muharraq Governorate
2 weeks ago
Experience LevelExecutive/Director
Employment TypeFull-time
Education LevelBachelor’s Degree
My name is Ashraf Haris, and I am looking for a dynamic sales position to advance my career. With a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and three years of sales experience in IT and real estate, I bring a unique blend of technical knowledge and sales expertise. I am currently undergoing advanced sales training in Bahrain, learning cutting-edge techniques to further enhance my skills. At 23 years old, I am passionate, hardworking, and committed to delivering outstanding results. If you are seeking a dedicated sales professional with a proven track record, please reach out. Contact Information: Phone: (View phone number) I look forward to connecting with you!
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Ad id 105232524
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